Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Vote/ Like Anis Irdina on facebook

Assalammualaikum and salam sejahtera...

1st time Anis nak keluarkan gambar baby Anis kat blog AMF nie..padahal dah berbulan lahir...
will story about my "delivery moment" to you guys later on ok..

but now... Anis masukkan Irdina photo contest... korang LIKE kat gambar Irdina eh...mana tahu menang boleh dpt free photoshoot dari PHOTOLICIUS kan...

saja suka-suka....
sambil menyelam minum air... :) to be honest diver tak minum air masa menyelam wei... tak caya try la tanya diver lain...

korang jgn lupa LIKE gambar Irdina tau... kalau korang rajin..korang boleh suruh kawan korang LIKE  sekali...

the more the merier...



Anis Magic Fingers Copyright 2009 Sweet Cupcake Designed by Ipiet Templates Image by Tadpole's Notez