Tuesday, April 19, 2011

WPW 5955 Subaru Impreza for Sale!

Assalammualikum dan salam sejahtera…

korang minat kete? as for me.. kete nie biasa2 je… Anis tak penah justify org  based on kereta yg dia drive…but normally mmg ramai org yg justify lelaki dgn kereta yg di pandu…

Anis penah nak kenalkan ( matchmaker la konon) kawan Anis nie ( perempuan ) dgn sorang mamat nie.. the first question that she ask “ what car that his guy drive?”

welll kau nak kenal dgn kereta or dgn org? betul tak…

whatever…. buy my lovely Mr Comel mmg minat kete… baca magazine Evo, magazine entah apa-apa pun byk asalkan berkenaan kereta….

hehehehe but his car really good… anis admit bende tu..laju wei subaru nie… 

back to cake story… :) Ikin call Anis nak 3d subaru version 7 cake… so inilah hasilnya..

special thanks to Napee sbb sudi tolong wife dia carik logo subaru,,,, korang perasan tak anis tertampal logo nie terbalik? perasan? hehehehe

kalau korang tak perasan maknya korang mmg sempoi dan wanita yg normal! hahahahaha

Thanks Ikin order dgn AMF and i hope you enjoy drive your Subaru ! hehehe


Anonymous said...

Slm ...kalo sy minat order cake Subaru ni boleh ke ....berapa RM ?? ...tqvm


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